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Title: ENhanced TEchnological Research and development of new PRoducts and processes for Innovation, Smart factory and green Economy.

ICCOM Principal Investigator ICCOM: Andrea Marchionni.

Project Type: National.

Duration: 03/2021-12/2022.

Abstract: ALTAIR CHIMICA spa submitted the project in the public tender POR CREO FESR TOSCANA 2014-2020 – Azione 1.1.5 – Subazione a1 “Bandi R&S 2020” – “Progetti di ricerca e sviluppo” (Bando 1). ICCOM is involved as scientific consultant, following the rules of Tuscany, to support the research and denvelopment of new analitycal methods to analyse chloroparaffins and green alternatives as plasticizers of PVC.

Coordinator: ing. Roberto Vagheggi.

Partnership: ICCOM-CNR, ALTAIR CHIMICA S.P.A. (capofila), X-PHASE S.R.L., SNAP4 S.R.L., MTP S.R.L., (partner industriali), CNR‑ICCOM, UNIPI – DICI (consulenti scientifici).

ICCOM Participants: Marco Bellini, Jonathan Filippi, Andrea Marchionni, Hamish Miller, Werner Oberhauser, Francesco Vizza.

Sponsored by: Tuscany Region.

Financial contribution (ICCO): 160.000 €.

Categories: Ended projects