ENERCHEM-SCHOOL Florence, 20-24/02/2018
Florence, CISL Studies Centre, 20-24 February 2018
ENERCHEM-SCHOOL is the School of the Interdisciplinary Group of Renewable Energy Chemistry of the Italian Chemical Society, dedicated mainly to young researchers, doctoral and post-doc students from both academia and industry involved in research on the various aspects of Chemistry for Renewable Energies. ENERCHEM-SCHOOL wants to be a reference point in the national and international landscape of Chemistry for Renewable Energy. The School follows the 1st Congress of EnerCHEM, successfully held in Florence in February 2016 (the next edition of the Congress is scheduled in 2020). The School will be held in a splendid setting, some ten minutes from the center of Florence, in the hills leading to Fiesole, immersed in one of the most beautiful and evocative scenery in Tuscany.
• Socio-economic aspects
• Financing, tenders and research projects
• Energy conversion
• Energy storage
• Energy distribution
Deadline for submission of scholarship application: 1 December 2017
Deadline for Sending Abstract: December 22, 2017
Deadline for earlybird registration (reduced fee): 22 December 2017
For any information visit the School’s website: http://www.enerchem-school.it/
We look forward to meeting you and your associates in Florence.
Best wishes, Alessandro Mordini e Alessandro Abbotto