Encolor Design
Title: Renewable energy from colored and building-integrated solar panels
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Alessandro Mordini
Project type: National
Duration: 04/2017-31/01/2019
Abstract: ENCOLOR DESIGN concerns the development of devices able to produce energy from renewable sources, based on new-generation photovoltaic technologies and amenable to simple building integration. Such devices will exploit DSSC technology (Dye-sensitized solar cells), which is based on a photosynthesis-inspired working mechanisms to achieve both light absorption and charge transfer across the junction. The project main objective consists in the development of a prototype of an innovative solar panel, applicable to a modular system to be employed in the building sector. Such panel will be characterized by high transparency, tunable coloration, good efficiency and high stability of the energy production, and will find application both for the design/construction of new buildings, as well as for the energy upgrading of existing buildings, according to the principles of Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV).
Partnership: ENECOM s.r.l. (Firenze), Iniziative Edili s.r.l. (Firenze), SCORPIO s.r.l.
Other ICCOM participants: Gianna Reginato, Massimo Calamante, Simonetta Moneti, Alessio Dessì, Daniele Franchi, Lorenzo Zani.
Sponsored by: Regione Toscana – Bando RSI POR-FESR 2014-2020
Financial contribution (overall): € 807.260,08
Financial contribution (ICCOM): € 108.900,00