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Title: Transient infrared spectroscopy of chemical reactions at high pressure.

Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Matteo Ceppatelli

Project type: National

Duration: 11/2017-09/2020

Abstract: High pressure and temperature conditions, such as those encountered inside the planets, are able to induce chemical and physical transformations of matter, whose study in laboratory conditions are of fundamental importance to understand natural phenomena and identify new reactive paths towards the production of innovative materials of technological interest. The pioneer activity of DReaMS UP concerns the study of the structural and reactive transformations of molecular systems with ps-ns time resolution and time windows from ms to s. For this purpose the T-jump technique, through the absorption of an IR pulse of few ps duration, electronically synchronized with a wide band MIR pulse, will be used to unveil the changes in the local structure with time resolution better than 100 ps. This technique will provide an unprecedented view point over the mechanisms of transformation of matter under high density conditions.

ICCOM participants: Matteo Ceppatelli, Samuele Fanetti.

Partnership: ICCOM CNR, Dipartment of Chemistry “Ugo Schiff” University of Florence.

Financial contribution (overall): € 54.000

Categories: Ended projects
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