Title: Double-Active Membranes for a sustainable CO2 cycle.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Lucia Calucci.
Project type: International – Horizon Europe.
Durata: 01/11/2023 – 31/10/2026.
Website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101115488
Abstract: DAM4CO2 aims at developing a new technology for the simultaneous capture and conversion, through photocatalysis, of CO2 in renewable fuels of interest for the ecological transition in the transport sector. The project partnership includes research groups with complementary expertise in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry, materials science, and chemical engineering, which will allow the design and production of materials for CO2 separation (membranes and MOFs) and photocatalysis, materials advanced characterization and assembly into a double active layer membrane device prototype. The ICCOM-CNR research unit will contribute to the advanced characterization of the materials developed in the project by means of solid state NMR spectroscopy and NMR relaxometry.
Coordinator: Dr. Alessio Fuoco (ITM-CNR) .
Partnership: CNR-ITM, CNR-ICCOM, INSTM (University of Turin, University of Pisa, University of Perugia), Politechnic University of Valencia, Swansea University, University of Edinburgh, Primalchit, MeSep.
ICCOM participants: Lucia Calucci.
Financed by: HORIZON-EIC-2022-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01, project no. 101115488.
Project overall budget: 2.975.275,00 €.
ICCOM budget: 190.250,00 €.