CpiC 2018 – Naples 18-19/01/2018

CpiC 2018 – Naples 18-19/01/2018

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Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a great pleasure to officially announce that the 9th edition of the “European Symposium on Computing Pi-Conjugated Compounds” (CPiC) will take place in Napoli (Italy), on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th January 2018. The workshop will follow the usual format of one day and a half of talks and poster sessions, with informal start at dinner on Wednesday 17th, and leisure time on Friday 19th afternoon and on Saturday 20th. For a better organization, we need to know the approximate number of participants quite soon, so the registration deadline is the 4th of December, while for the abstract submission the deadline is postponed to the 19th of December.

Please refer to the conference website for more details, registering, downloading the abstract template, and further information.

We look forward to welcoming you soon in Napoli.

Kind regards, the organising team

Roberto Improta, Carlo Altucci, Lara Martinez Fernandez, Luciana Esposito, Fabrizio Santoro.



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