Title: Cathode Recovery for Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling.
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Andrea Marchionni.
Project type: National.
Duration: 01/11/2022 – 31/10/2025.
Abstract: The COLIBRI project focuses on making lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) more sustainable and eco-friendly. With the rise of electric vehicles, there’s a growing concern about the waste from these batteries. Current recycling methods are inefficient and harmful to the environment. COLIBRI aims to develop new, greener ways to recycle and regenerate battery materials. This project involves collaboration between UNIMIB, ICCOM, and KIT to create processes that can be scaled from the lab to industry. The goal is to improve recycling technology, reduce environmental impact, and promote the development of future batteries. Additionally, the project seeks to raise public awareness about the entire lifecycle of LIBs.
Coordinator: Prof. Chiara Ferrara, University Milano Bicocca,
Partnership: University of Milan Bicocca, CNR-ICCOM, Karlsrhue Insitute for Technology.
ICCOM participants: Andrea Marchionni, Jonathan Filippi.
Financed by: CARIPLO Foundation.
Project overall budget: 300.000,00 €.
ICCOM budget: 60.000,00 €.