Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Lucia Calucci.
Project type: International.
Duration: 01/2020-31/12/2022.
Abstract: This project aims at studying polymorphism, structural, and dynamic properties of selected organic materials showing a tendency to vitrify in peculiar conditions of temperature. Indeed, understanding the relationship between molecular structure, dynamics, and polymorphism and the influence of temperature on the tendency of molecules to form a glassy phase is necessary in order to both gain fundamental knowledge and improve industrial processes, such as food preservation and drug formulation. In the project, molecular liquids and soft materials showing liquid crystalline phases and/or orientationally or conformationally disordered crystalline phases are investigated. A multi-disciplinary approach, including calorimetric techniques, NMR spectroscopy and relaxometry, broadband dielectric spectroscopy, and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, is applied.
ICCOM participants: Silvia Borsacchi, Lucia Calucci, Claudia Forte, Silvia Pizzanelli, Marco Geppi, Elisa Carignani, Francesca Martini, Francesca Nardelli.
Partnership: ICCOM, The Henryk Niewodniczanski Insitute of Nuclear Physiscs, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland).
Sponsored by: CNR and PAN.
Financial contribution (overall): € 12.000.
Financial contribution (ICCOM): € 6.000.