Title: Design of advanced catalytic processes for the synthesis of bio-based products to replace conventional materials from petrochemical sources.
Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Pierluigi Barbaro
Project type: International
Duration: 05/2018-05/2020
Abstract: Design of advanced catalytic technologies and processes for the conversion of non food-competitive feeds from vegetable biomass to fine chemicals. The objective is both to replace conventional materials for everyday use from petrochemical sources and to design breakthrough bio-based products with no significant fossil counterpart. Methods for the manufacture of chemicals with high application potential will be within the scopes of the work. Target products include those with immediate applications, for instance as lubricants, solvents, cosmetics, food additives, fragrances, or as building block for pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and monomers. Renewable feedstocks will include non-edible plant biomasses and the products thereof. The development of highly selective processes with low environmental and economical impact will be central to the project.
ICCOM Participants: Pierluigi Barbaro, Francesca Liguori, María Carmen Moreno Marrodán.
Sponsored by: European Research Institute of Catalysis (ERIC)
Financial contribution (overall): € 45.000
Financial contribution (ICCOM): € 45.000