Title: Nanotechnologies for sustainable valorisation of the national energy potential (geothermal and hydrocarbon feedstock) – BIOGEL
ICCOM Principal Investigator: Elisa Passaglia
Project Type: National – Tuscany Region
Duration: 01/04/2016-31/01/2018
Abstract: The BioGel project aims to propose the use, innovative for the geothermal sector, of nanostructured and/or functional polymeric materials, which are biodegradable, eco-compatible and that allow to reduce the amount of chemical agents introduced into the soil during the drilling and production phases of the oil well. The biodegradability of the materials used guarantees a low long-term environmental impact unlike what has been used up to now in the geothermal sector
Partnership: ECOPOL S. p. A., ICCOM-CNR, TEA SiSTEMI S.p.A., GEOTHERMAL ENERGY Consulting Srl; INSTM consortium.
ICCOM Participants: Elisa Passaglia, Serena Coiai, Francesca Cicogna, Werner Oberhauser, Roberto Spiniello, Marco Mascherpa, Massimo Onor.
Sponsored by: Tuscany Region – Bando RSI POR-FESR 2014-2020
Overall project cost: € 1.313.000
Financial contribution to ICCOM: € 195.000