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Title: ARCO-CNR – Fostering opportunities for human capital development through high-level training in multi-disciplinary areas: the CNR-Tuscany proposal.

Principal Investigator at ICCOM: Andrea Rossin

Project Type: National – Tuscany Region

Duration: 11/12/2017-10/12/2019

Abstract: The CNR counts among its tasks that of transferring and enhancing research activities in a very wide spectrum of disciplines. The CNR pursues these objectives also through the inclusion in its research laboratories of young people in possession of a PhD level education and therefore able to carry out a fruitful research activity applied in wide-ranging projects that involve entities and companies. This joint activity, characterized by multi- and inter-disciplinarity, has at least three objectives: (a) to increase, orient and specialize the training of the young researcher (b) to contribute to the solution of a problem or to the achievement of an industrial objective , (c) to help reduce the gap that exists today between the world of research and the business world, a gap often the result of distrust and lack of mutual knowledge rather than a real cultural distance. In this program of intervention the CNR has favored projects in which the industrial fallout of the activities was marked, the quality of the research to be undertaken and the results to be achieved was high, the composition of the partner network was wide.

Specific objectives of “CARICO2” project: capture and reuse of CO2 from greenhouse gases emitted from industrial plants and thermoelectric power stations to obtain raw materials for the production of useful substances.

PArtnership: ICCOM CNR, STM Technologies

ICCOM participants: Francesco Barzagli, Fabrizio Mani (associato), Andrea Rossin, Maurizio Peruzzini.

Sponsored by: Tuscany Region

Financial contribution (overall): 54.000 €

inancial contribution (ICCOM): 54.000 €

Categories: Ended projects