12th Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School – Venice 05-10/07/2020
Dear Colleagues, we are pleased to announce that the 12th edition of the Green Chemistry Postgraduate Summer School, sponsored by IUPAC, will take place from 5 to 10 July 2020 at the Jesuit College in Venice, Italy.
The event will take place over 6 days and will include Plenary, Keynote and Invited Lecturers from internationally renowned researchers. The school is reserved for 80 students, the best of which will be awarded by the sponsors. The cost for students is € 600 + VAT and includes for the 6 days of the school: accommodation, coffee breaks and lunch.
All relevant information is available on the school’s official website https://www.unive.it/ssgc/.
Important dates:
- February 28, 2020: deadline for scholarship requests for students from developing countries
- June 5, 2020: registration fee payment deadline
- June 12, 2020: deadline for submission of abstracts
The Organizing Committee
Categories: Events