PNRR CN_00000013 / CN1 – National Research Center in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

PNRR CN_00000013 / CN1 – National Research Center in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

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National Centers

Intervention proposals for the strengthening of research structures and the creation of “national champions” of R&D on some Key Enabling Technologies to be financed within the scope of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.4 “Strengthening of research and creation structures of “national R&D champions” on some Key Enabling Technologies” funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU.

CN_00000013 / CN1 – National Research Center in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing (ICSC)

The National Center for High Performance Simulations, Computing and Data Analysis carries out research and promotes innovation at a national and international level, starting with a cutting-edge infrastructure for High Performance Computing (HPC) and the management of large quantities of data (Big Data) capable of integrating available emerging technologies, including those for quantum computing (Quantum Computing). The Center focuses, on the one hand, on the maintenance and enhancement of the Italian HPC and Big Data infrastructure and, on the other hand, on the development of advanced numerical methods and applications, software tools and workflows, to integrate the calculation, simulation, collection and analysis of data of interest for the research system and for the productive and social system, also through cloud and distributed approaches.


Proposing body: National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).

HUB: ICSC Foundation “National Research Center in High-Performance Computing Big Data and Quantum Computing”.

ICCOM affiliate SPOKE: SPOKE 7 – Materials & Molecular Sciences.

ICCOM Principal Investigator for the Project: Giacomo Prampolini.

ICCOM key personnel for Spoke: Giacomo Prampolini, Alessandro Fortunelli, Fabrizio Santoro.

Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2025.

Overall project cost: € 325,938,979.26.

ICCOM total cost: € 220,905.84.

CUP: B93C22000620006

For further information: scheda MUR.

Categories: Active projects