Phone: +39 050 315 2345
Site: Pisa
Address: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa
Education: PhD in Chemical Sciences (2002-2004), University of Pisa. Master degree in Chemistry (110/110 magna cum laude), University of Pisa (1994-2001).
Work Experience: Senior Researcher at ICCOM-CNR, Pisa, Italy (since Jan 2023). Researcher at ICCOM-CNR, Pisa, Italy (2019-2022). Researcher at ISTM-CNR, Milano, Italy (2011-2019). Post-Doc fellow at Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy) (2005-2011).
Management: Scientific responsible for two bilateral research projects between CNR and HAS (Hungary) (2016-2021). Scientific responsible of the CNR unit in FIRB-Futuro in ricerca 2010 project “Hybrid multifunctional materials for the development of eco-sustainable catalytic processes”, project ID RBFR10BF5V_002 (2012-2017). WP leader and/or team member of CNR in national and international projects, among the most recent ones: “BIKE – BImetallic catalysts Knowledge-based development for Energy applications”, H2020-MSCA-ITN project, grant agreement N° 813748 (2019-2023); “ADMA2, Practical Training Between Academia and Industry During Doctoral Studies”, EIT Raw Materials, (since 2019) “Network of Infrastructures (NoI) FREECATS, Critical raw materials-FREE CATalystS”, EIT raw Materials, project N° 15054 (2016-2019). Scientific responsible of R&D contracts with SME. Co-supervisor of diploma theses (University of Pisa and Milan). Scientific responsible of Post-Doc students at CNR.
Other Activities: Scientific responsible for ISTM-CNR of the electron microscopy laboratory (ISTEM) (2015-2019). Member of the Scientific Committee of National Congress “NANO-DAY IV” (2019) Milano, Italy. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress “1st International Conference, ChemBioAza” (2015), Milano, Italy. Member of the Organizing Committee of the International School for PhD Students “Second International Training School on NanoAlloys” (2020), Pisa, Italy. Member of the Organizing Committee of Summer School 2012, European Federation of Catalysis Societies, “1st Italian-Spanish School on Catalysis, Recent Advances and New Trends in Catalysis” (2012), Pallanza (VB), Italy. Contract Professor at the University of Milan for the PhD course in Industrial Chemistry (2016). Contract Professor at the University of Pisa for the Academic Master Degree Courses in Chemistry: “Catalysis” and “Chemistry and Catalysis Technology”.
Visiting Scientist: Visiting researcher at Organic Chemistry Institute, Westfälische Wilhelms, Universität Münster, Munster, Germany (2018). Visiting researcher at National Chemical Laboratory (NCL), Pune, India (2017). Visiting researcher at Zelinskii Institute of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia (2005 and 2006).
Publications: 105 ISI articles, 3 patents, 5 book chapters, more than 90 contributions to conferences as poster and oral communications.
Bibliometric data: (Scopus, 01/12/2021): results: 105; sum of times cited: 1546; h-index: 22.
Research interests: Heterogeneous catalysis. Synthesis of nanostructured metal catalysts. Advanced characterization of nanostructured materials by electron microscopy. Development of sustainable catalytic processes both in batch and in continuous flow conditions.