Fiorenza Fanelli




Phone: +39 080 xxx yyyy

Site: Bari

Address: c/o Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari


Education: PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Bari, Italy (2006); Master Degree in Chemistry (summa cum laude), University of Bari, Italy (2002).

Work Experience:  Researcher of the National Research Council of Italy (since 2011), currently working at  Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds, Bari Secondary Site (since April 2024), and previously at Institute of Nanotechnology, Bari Secondary Site (November 2011-April 2024);  Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, Italy (2005-2011).

Visiting Scientist: Processes, Materials and Solar Energy Laboratory (PROMES), French  National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Perpignan and Odeillo-Font-Romeu, France, and  University of Perignan Via Domitia, France (2022);  School of Engineering, University of Ulster, Newtownabbey, UK (2022) – visit funded by CNR under the 2020 STM call; Laboratoire de Génie Électrique de Toulouse, CNRS-Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, Toulouse, France (2003).

Management: Principal investigator for the CNR-NANOTEC research unit within the International Exchange project funded by The Royal Society (UK), between the University of Ulster and CNR-NANOTEC,   entitled “Low-Temperature Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Synthesis and Processing of Complex Oxides” (project reference IES/R2/212049, period: 2021- 2024); Scientific responsible of the CNR-NANOTEC unit within the following projects: (i) EXTREME – “Innovative technologies for EXTREMely Efficient spark ignited engines”, funded by the Italian Ministry for University and Research in the Sustainable Mobility specialization area  (PON MIUR “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014 – 2020; grant code: ARS01_00849, period: 2019-2022);  (ii) ATTIV’AZIONE – “Augmented materials by plasma activation” funded by Apulia Region (call “Aiuti a Sostegno Cluster Tecnologici Regionali”, grant code: S8R8930, period: 2016-2018)

Conference Organization: Leading organizer of  Symposium SF04 “Expanding the Frontiers of Plasma Technology in Materials Science and Engineering”, 2023 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, USA; Co-organizer of Symposium SF03 “Plasma Technologies for Emerging Materials Science and Applications”, 2022 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit,  Boston, USA; Co-organizer of Symposium X “Recent advances in cold plasma and related applications”, XX Brazilian MRS meeting, Iguassu Falls, Paraná, Brasil, 25– 29/09/2022.

Editorial Activity: Guest editor of special issues of Plasma Processes and Polymers, Wiley-VCH (2012) and  IEEE Transactions of Plasma Science (ongoing);  Editorial Board Member of Materials, MDPI (since 2022).

Other activities: Co-supervisor of 4 PhD Theses and 8 MSc/BSc Theses (since 2011). External examiner and jury member of 3 PhD Theses (UK, France, Canada); Lecturer for the course “Scanning electron microscopy analyses of surfaces”, Doctorate School in Chemical and Molecular Sciences, University of Bari (2015); Project evaluator for Italian   Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR), Czech Science Foundation (GACR), French National Research Agency (ANR), LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, Mitacs (Canada).

Publications: 58 articles, 2 book chapters, over 90 contributions to conferences (including invited talks, oral and poster contributions).

Bibliometric Data (Scopus, 01/07/2024): 60 articles; 1643 citations by 1136  documents; h-index: 24.

Research interests: Low-temperature plasma processes; surface modification; thin films; nanostructured materials; nanocomposites.

ERC Panels: PE5_3; PE5_4; PE5_6.

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