Francesco Vizza




Phone: +39 055 522 5286

Site: Firenze

Address: Area della Ricerca CNR di Firenze, Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)


Education: Laurea Degree in Biology, University of Florence, Italy (1982).

Work Experience: CNR Senior Associate (since 13/06/2024); Interim Director of CNR-ICCOM (February – December 2022); Director of CNR-ICCOM (2017-2022); Research Director (2010-2024); Technician, Researcher and Senior Researcher at the Istituto di Chimica dei Composti OrganoMetallici (CNR-ICCOM), Florence, Italy (1986-2010); Postgraduate researcher at the University of Florence, Department of Chemistry (1982-1985).

Habilitations: Qualified as Full Professor in the field of “Fundamentals of Chemical Sciences and Inorganic systems” (2012 and 2019); Qualified as Full Professor in the field of “Industrial Chemistry” (2019).

Management: see attached CV.

Publications: 233 peer-reviewed publications in qualified international journals, 35 patents, 2 monographs, 9 chapters in specialized books, >200 presentations at International and National Chemical Meetings.

Bibliometric data (Scopus, 12/06/2024): 233 articles; 10006 citations by 6756 documents; h-index: 56.

Research Interests: Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells (DAFC and PEMFC); Electroreforming for hydrogen production from renewable resources (alcohols); Electrocatalysts for solar fuel production; Electrocatalysts for the reduction of CO2 to fuels and chemicals; Direct electrochemical oxidation reaction of alcohols at medium to high temperature (150-200 °C); Development of photocatalysts for H2 evolution; Catalysts for hydrogen evolution by controlled hydrolysis or thermolysis of metal hydrides; Recovery of metals from waste lithium batteries; Organometallic Fuel cells (OMFC) and Organometallic Electro-reformers (OMER).

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