Hamish Andrew Miller

Senior Researcher



Phone: +39 055 522 5201

Site: Firenze

Address: Area della Ricerca CNR di Firenze, Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)


Education: Bachelor of Science with honors in Chemistry (BSc(Hons)), Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (1991-1994); Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry (PhD), Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom (1995-1999).

Work Experience: Primo Ricercatore (CNR-ICCOM) (from Jan 2023); Ricercatore (Nov 2011 – Jan 2023);  Head of catalyst production and testing. Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers (2005-2011) at ACTA SpA., Pisa, Italy.; Research and Development Chemist (2003-2005) at Argus Chemicals S.r.l., Prato, Italy.  Postdoctoral fellow, European Union Research Training Network, Department of Chemistry, University of Pisa (2002-2003); Postdoctoral fellow, European Union Research Training Network, Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia (2001-2002); EPSRC Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Scotland (1999-2001).

Project Management: Coordinator of HORIZON EU RIA project FRESH Formate for Renewable Energy Storage, Grant Agreement 101069605 (period 2022-2025).

WP leader Fuel cell development FISR n. FISR2019_01294 Project AMPERE (2021-2023) Project funded by Italian Ministry MISE Italy.

Coordinator of Bilateral Project CNR-University of Surry, Royal Society’s international exchange scheme (grant IES\R3\170134) (2018-2020)

PRIN 2018 Project funded by Italian Ministry MUR Italy (N° 2017YH9MRK) (2019-2022).

Honors and Awards: Royal Society of Chemistry “Journals Grants for International Authors” awarded for collaboration with Prof. Lindoy at the University of Sydney, Australia for the period 15/11/2000 – 15/12/2000; ESRF HIGHLIGHTS 2016 pages 26-27, February 2017.

Other Activities: Visiting Scholar at The School of Chemistry, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, November-December 2000. Visiting Scholar at CSIR Pretoria, South Africa February 2016. Solar Fuel and Energy Storage Workshop, Pretoria, South Africa, 05-07 October 2016.

Publications: 78 ISI articles, 6 patents, 1 book and 4 book chapters, 20 contributions to conferences.

Bibliometric data (Scopus 22/03/2023): Documents: 88; sum of times cited: 3259; citing articles: 2377; h-index: 32.

Research Interests: Nanotechnology, electrocatalysis, energy. Major research interests involve nanotechnology and electrocatalysis in energy related fields with particular emphasis in Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers. (1) Electrocatalysts for alkaline anion exchange membrane fuel cells; (2) Electrocatalysts for anion exchange membrane electrolyzers; (3) Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to fuels and chemicals. Goal is to remove as much critical raw materials from these devices as possible.

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