Angelo Freni

Research Director



Phone: +39 050 621 2461

Site: Pisa

Address: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa


Education: Ph.D. in Materials and Chemical Engineering, University of Messina, Italy (2013); Degree in Materials Engineering, University of Messina, Italy (1998).

Work Experience: Research Director at ICCOM-CNR Pisa, Italy (since January 2021); Senior Researcher at ICCOM-CNR Pisa, Italy (2016-2020); Researcher at ITAE-CNR Messina, Italy (2001-2016); Professor with part-time contract at University of Messina 2005-2007 (Fluid Machinery); Postgraduate Fellow at ITAE-CNR, Messina (1999-2000).

Management: Member of the commission “E2 – Heat pumps, energy recovery” of the IIR – International Institute of Refrigeration. CNR representative in the Mission Innovation Challenge 7: “affordable heating and cooling of buildings”. Member of the Italian Implementation Working Group IWG5 (Energy Efficiency Solutions for Buildings) of SET-Plan (Strategic Energy Technology Plan). He has lead and participated in many national and international projects and managed many research contracts with national and international companies.

Publications: 85 papers on ISI journals, 6 patents, 2 books, 3 book chapters, >100 contributions to conferences (including Invited, Plenary and Keynote).

Bibliometric data (Scopus 02/01/2022): 97 documents; 3436 total citations; 1668 citing articles; h-index: 38.

Research interests: Thermal Energy, adsorption, heating and cooling, heat storage, low grade solar and waste heat, adsorption desalination, heat and mass transfer, adsorbent materials

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