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Title: Use of thyme as a source of essential oils to be used in the fight against microorganisms and pests.

ICCOM Principal Investigator: Andrea Ienco.

Project Type: National.

Duration: 01/09/2022 – 31/08/2023.

Abstract:  The project focuses on the use of thyme (Thymus spp.) as a source of essential oils with high antimicrobial power, for the creation of solid formulations to be used in the fight against microorganisms and pests. Essential oils are complex blends of terpenes and other organic compounds. The flora of the Pistoia mountains includes a group of aromatic species belonging to the Thymus genus of considerable interest; Thyme essential oil is rich in thymol and carvacrol, monoterpenes with a strong antimicrobial action. The activities envisaged by the project include the collection and propagation of thyme plants from the Pistoia Apennines at the “Le Roncacce”, the chemical characterization of local ecotypes, their use for the extraction of essential oils, the development of formulations solids based on thyme essential oil, and finally, their experimentation in the treatment of archival and museum materials provided by the Ecomuseo.

Coordinator: Andrea Ienco.

Partnership: CNR-ICCOM, CNR-IBBR, CNR-IBE, Azienda Agricola Le Roncacce, Ecomuseo della Montagna Pistoiese.

ICCOM participants:Andrea Ienco, Silvia Rinaldi.

Financed by: Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Foundation.

Project total budget: € 23.890.

ICCOM total budget: € 23890.

Categories: Ended projects