Jonathan Filippi




Telefono: +39 055 522 5228

Sede: Firenze

Indirizzo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Firenze, Via Madonna del Piano 10, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)


Education: PhD in Chemical Sciences, University of Florence and ICCOM-CNR (2012); Degree in Chemistry,  University of Florence (2007, final evaluation: 110/110); Bachelors Degree in Chemistry, University of Florence (2004, final evaluation: 110/110).

Work Experience: Research grant at ICCOM-CNR, on project “EBH2: Elettro-Bio-Idrogeno” project (1/10/2007 – 31/9/2008); Research grant at ICCOM-CNR, on FISR project (1/10/2008 – 31/12/2008); Postdoctoral Research Grant at ICCOM-CNR, funded by Worgas Ltd. (2012, four months); Fixed-time Researcher at ICCOM-CNR, funded by FIRB 2010 project “Future in research” (2012-2016); Researcher at ICCOM-CNR (since 2016).

Other Activities: Visiting Scholar (J1) at the Department of Material Science of the Virginia University (UVa), Charlottesville (VA), working in the field of electrocatalytic materials for the CO2 electroreduction (2014).

Publications: 48 ISI articles, 5 patents, 1 book chapter, 12 contributions to conferences as poster and oral communications.

Bibliometric data: (Scopus, 2/12/2021): sum of times cited: 1927; citing articles: 1428; average citation per item: 39.33; h-index: 21.

Research interests: electro catalysis, fuel cells, electrochemistry, green chemistry, CO2 conversion.

Identificatori scientifici: