Telefono: +39 050 315 2556
Sede: Pisa
Indirizzo: Area della Ricerca CNR di Pisa, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa
Education: PhD in Macromolecular Chemistry (2005), Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, Italy (70/70 cum laude). Master’s degree in chemistry (2001), University of Pisa, Italy (110/110 cum laude).
Work experience: Permanent Researcher at ICCOM-CNR Pisa, Italy (2001-present). Post-Doc fellow at ICCOM-CNR Pisa, Italy (2009 – 2011). Associate Researcher at Centro Italiano Packaging of Venezia-Marghera, Italy (2006–2009); post-Doc fellow at ICCOM-CNR Pisa, Italy (2005 – 2006). Graduate fellow at INFM (2001-2002), c/o Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, Pisa, Italy (2001-2002).
Management: Scientific responsible of the CNR research unit in the project FIRB Futuro in Ricerca 2010 GREENER-Prot. RBFR10DCS7 (2012-2016). Team member of the CNR Research Unit in national and international projects: Project MISE “Beyond the Landfill 4.0” (2021-present); Project MISE/INVITALIA “Leonardo Automated Manufacturing Processes for COmposites (LAMPO)” (2020-present); project CITIZEN SCIENCE “Camminando sulle tracce del mare” (2020); project ERC-Advanced Grant PHOSFUN “Phosphorene functionalization: a new platform for advanced multifunctional materials” proposal ID 670173 (2015-2019); Project Regione Toscana POR CREO FESR 2014 – 2020 BANDO 2 – “BIOGEL”, Project “Sustainable Manufacturing” by Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente (2016-2018); FP7 Project NMP.2011.LARGE.5 “DIBBIOPACK”, FP6 STREP Project NMP3-CT-2005-516972 “NANOHYBRID”, PRIN 2008 prot. 200898KCKY_0042012, Project granted by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio “POLOPTEL” Conv. 167/09. Scientific responsible of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between ICCOM-CNR and SPIN-PET S.r.l. Scientific co-responsible of the agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between ICCOM-CNR and Tyrebirth S.r.l. Team member of the Research Contracts between ICCOM-CNR and BASF Construction Chemicals S.p.A.
Other Activities: Responsible of the course “Tecnologia dei Materiali Polimerici II” (174CC) for the Master’s Degree in Industrial Chemistry, DCCI, University of Pisa, Italy (2021-present); lecturer in “Natura dei rifiuti e sistemi di raccolta”, Level II Master “Environment Management and control: techniques and tecnologies for the waste Cycle” at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa (2008-2011). Invited Professor at XXIX Convegno-Scuola AIM “Life Cycles of Polymeric Materials (2008).
Qualifications: ASN 2018 – National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor in Chimica industriale” (CHIM/04). ASN 2016 – National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor in Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali” (ING-IND/22) and Fondamenti chimici delle tecnologie” (CHIM/07).
Visiting Scientist: PhD visiting student at the School of Pharmacy & Centre for Molecular Materials, The University of Manchester (UK) (July – October 2004).
Editorial activity: Member of the Advisory Editorial Board for the journal “Compounds” (MDPI). Guest Editor for the Special Issue Bio-based Polymers Functionalized by Post-polymerization Modification” for the journal “Polymers” (MDPI)
Publications: 63 peer reviewed papers, 4 patents, 7 book chapters, and more than 100 communications at national and international conferences among which 3 as invited speaker.
Bibliometric data: (Scopus, 24/01/2022): results: 65; sum of times cited: 1220; h-index: 21.
Research Interests: polymer functionalization; 2D layered materials, preparation and characterization of functional host-guest inorganic-organic systems; polymer nanocomposites; compatibilization; polymer blending; recycling.